Millions of Afridev and India Mark II (IMII) hand pumps have been installed around the world, and these hand pumps still serve as critical sources of water for hundreds of millions of individuals worldwide. Unfortunately, research estimates that up to 38% of these pumps are non-functional or not working properly at any given time. When they are working, they often produce water with unacceptable levels of lead and are prone to rapid corrosion. This is a dire situation for the hundreds of millions of people who rely on these pumps for their daily water needs, and we recognized the urgency of their plight.

Afridev/India Mark II Hand Pump Upgrades
Design Outreach is working to develop an Afridev and India Mark II Pump Upgrade Kit designed to address common issues that plague traditional hand pumps.
The first component of the Afridev upgrade kit is the Poldaw Floating Pumprod Centraliser. Developed by Poldaw Designs and Design Outreach, this low-cost component has the potential to reduce the frequency of breakdowns by an estimated 70-80%. Rigorous field testing has been completed with this component on various pump types for over 5 years, and has demonstrated little wear and zero failures in that period.
Bring the promise of reliable, clean water to those who desperately need it for a fraction of the cost of maintenance or new pump installs.
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